We work for YOU. We will be your liaison with insurance companies to make sure you are getting the right coverage for you on your terms. We will also be available anytime when you have questions, concerns, or suggestions!

We specialize in the analysis, design, and implementation of Group Benefit Plans for Businesses, Associations and Unions. As well as personal insurance that fits both your needs and your budget.

We Work with business owners to ensure protection is in place for the continuation of the business at death or disability of owners.

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Some of Our Services

  • Renewals for Group Insurance

    Managing the annual renewal is a core service to any benefits consulting firm. We take a very hands-on and in-depth approach to the annual renewal. We review and analyze the renewal in detail to allow us to negotiate a reasonable renewal with the insurer(s) and provide the client with any insight into what are the key cost drivers to benefit plan.

  • Market Study / Request for Proposal

    We take a very in-depth approach to managing market studies which goes beyond simply reviewing proposed rates. We will make sure clients have a thorough understanding of the costs and services that each insurer has proposed. Besides conducting market studies for group insurance plans, we can also attend to Employee and Family Assistance Programs

  • Individual Insurance

    We work with our clients to assist in identifying their needs both short and long term, and finding the best insurance products to meet those unique needs. This could include personal Life, Disability, and Critical illness insurance, as well as assured access insurance

    We can guide you to the right choice for you, and work within your budget to provide you with a policy that you can feel safe knowing that your family are protected.